One of my brothers, Jérôme, has recently indicated to me how to be displayed by Google Maps.

Google Maps services (streets maps, routes…) happen to be more and more used. Thus, if you mention your post address it can be much helpful for internauts when locating you on maps. More if your address is that of a place where you can host people, please feel free to use the service!

Google Maps

If that first advantage allows to improve one’s visibility, you will appreciate even more when your website address appears in the very first results in Google! Of course the shown results are linked to a search on a town’s name and on a tag related to your activity … and you’ll keep appearing under commercial links 😉

Can a community take advantage of such a service? Definitely! Specifically when your members’ community are scattered in different areas or when you appeal to a large public.

Are you convinced ? Let’s subscribe then.

Yet wait for the Google post letter to validate your subscription … the only way to be protected from funny guys who intend to give your address a degrading image.

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