Talend Open Studio v3.0.0 has just been released. Please download it now and check all that this new release has to offer! To discover all the new features, please visit the changelog page.
To discover the essential knowledge, Talend Open Studio documentation is split into two guides:
- The User Guide provide general use information and describe the Graphical Interface User
- The Reference Guide of Talend components describe the use of all components and include several use cases
To turn theory into practice, Talend propose several resources :
- Tutorials (video) published in TalendForge
- Job Design Scenarios described in our documentation
- A Demo Project included in Talend Open Studio
This 3 resources are independent, the examples files are not common and the use cases are not the same.
To have ready-to-use Job Designs at your disposal, import the Demo Project include in Talend Open Studio.
In this release, the demo project are updated.
How to import the Demo Project?
Simply follow the steps below:
- Launch Talend Open Studio
- In the login window, click on Manage and click on Demo
- Choose Java or Perl Demo Project
- Click on Finish to complete the operation
- Choose the TALENDDEMOJAVA or TALENDDEMOPERL on the “Existing” list
- Click on Open
How to install the example files?
In the view Repository, open the node Job Designs and Contexts:
- The default folder used to store the example files is “C// “. To change this value, let’s double click on globalContext (node Contexts), Next and let’s go in the panel Value as Tree to change the value of the var “defaultDir”
- Open the job named beforeRunJobs and execute it to install the example files
Additional setting: Open the Metadata/Db Connections/demoMysql and change the settings to establish the connection with your database.
How to take advantage of the Demo Project?
Open each Job Design and press F6 to run the job. If you wan’t some help about a component, select it and press F1. In the view Run Job, 2 features are available: Traces and Statistics.
The Statistics feature is available to observe the repartition of the data:
The Traces feature is available to observe the transformation of the data:
Want to talk about Talend Open Studio? Need help to use the software? Want to make suggestions and discuss with the dev team? Forum is the right place!
In this Demo Project, a file is missing The jobs about the Change Data Capture don’t run 🙁
https://ocarbone.2point0.org/images/transparent.gif” width=”500″ et height=”10″/>
Our bugtracker provide the missing file and precise how to install it.
The download of the linux version of Talend 3.0 fails, can you fix please?
Please, try again! The problem is now fixed.