I have been using HTTrack for 7 years now. It is an offline browser utility, allowing you to download a website from the internet to a local directory, one of the first GPL sofwares I got to know.

HTTrack works with Windows and Linux. You can both launch it through a graphical wizard or with a command line version. Default parameters allow powerful websites downloading. The software acts like search engines: it extracts the hyperlinks and transforms easily php websites into html websites. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site.

If you wish so, here are the steps to be followed to browse talend.com offline:

Step 1 : choose a destination folder to copy the website on your hard disk

Set the destination folder on your hard disk

Step 2 : fill the (url) adress

Define the url

Step 3 : select options if needed

The options...

Step 4 : let HTTrack work …


I needed HTTrack for training purposes, to browse websites on board of an airplane too and lately to provide our site talend.com to a company who was to translate it.

More info: www.httrack.com

4 Replies to “Browse a website offline

  1. hi
    i just downloaded httrack. and tried to make mirror of a blog, which i found useful to read while flying. But after downloading, when i tried to open the mirrored webpage, it is searching for google. and it is not working offline. as soon as i switched on the modem, it starts working. what may be the error. should i set anything in options?

  2. It’s strange. The options do nothing to change this situation.

    Perhaps, the homepage include a javascript to oblige the visitor to use the online blog ?

    Can you indicate the url of this blog ? I reproduce this case as well and certainly help.

  3. Hi! I came acroos ur blog while browsing regarding how to copy website and open it offline.I even downloaded HTTrack but its not working.I’m using WinHTTrack Website Copier 3.43-7 version.Please help me…I need it urgently.could you please mail me how u’ve done it and still using.

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