Dokeos is a training solution that is available in open source – Learning Management System. Dokeos also is the name for the related company. They offer among others a functionality for a virtual classroom they host… and rent. Yet it is possible to install the plugin (in free licence too) if you wish to get a Flash server.

I’ve been watching the evolution of the platform for several years now and I’m quite surprised to learn that the visio conference module is now available in free licence. Most of Learning Management System platforms in open source have no streaming audio & video functionalities.

Does it mean you can get the visio conference module for free ? First, this Dokeos module requires a RED5 server … I advise you to rely on Dokeos so that they help you with the installation and the following of the platform. I spent some years in a distant learning training center so take my word when I say do not undermine the necessary skills to manage those services!

To see details of the platform, please visit : http://www.dokeos.com/features.php

Dokeos, an open source LMS

13 Replies to “Dokeos: an open source & elearning solution

  1. Last but no least ๐Ÿ˜‰ it’s better to have Claroline, certainly; Ganesha or another training solution. You customize your user page, with the skype account and status : available or not. If you want to use Gtalk or Gizmo for speaking, why not ?

    I know, it’s impossible to have a iframe of skype cam or an drag and drop, but is a beginning of solution ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Skype, Gtalk, Gizmo … in basic are free whitout flash server.

  2. If you are seeking a free solution, you can use vyew.com.
    More information on “A free platform of synchronous collaboration!

    Skype, Gtalk, Gizmo are basic and free but the technical installation needs somes capacities and in severals enterprises: it’s forbidden !

    You can visit unyte.net to discover a Skype plugin: Unyte. It makes it possible to share your screen.

    Choosing free solutions is important indeed but I rather give information about tools that are open to all!

  3. Hi Olivier,

    thanks for the links, I would try all these applications on the next week maybe, sure.

    It’s true but sometimes you have some web 2.0 applications ๐Ÿ˜‰ like meebo and some others and it’s possible to jump the firewall …

    I try Unyte maybe three months ago or more in beta and it was very slow. Perhaps now this application is better with skype 3.0

  4. Very slow ? This is strange. I have very good results. I have never use Unyte with video … only Unyte and VoIP. Can you precise the conditions of your test ?

    Some ideas to improve your use:

    • As for all similar tools, it is recommended that you close other softwares on your desk before you start screen sharing.
    • Check the configuration of Skype … use the port 13269 (not 80 or 443), and check your firewall rules.

    Last advice: Keep cool ! When you share your screen, you don’t move fast your mouse ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Thanks for your answer, I note your advise about the port and try again.
    Hope it will run good also on mac os.

    Reply about advise : sometimes it’s so difficult to keep the mouse near the desktop ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Below is a translation of a comment posted in the French side of this blog. The comment was posted by Thomas, the founder of Dokeos.

    Dear friends,

    I created the software Claroline in 1998 at UCL to meet the needs of my colleagues a LMS easy to use. Thereafter, I have proposed to create a society with, UCL then set the mark and proposed to me the rent for the whole year. The asking price was not interesting to me, and the model could mรฉjecter at any time. So I preferred to create a new brand: Dokeos. In the mail I sent to the community at the time, I did not say that Claroline disappear, I said that I continued the project under another name, which is very different.

    In doing so, my project was to provide a future project, leaving the university to be a professional with customers demanding a guaranteed result, a rapidly evolving features, a service level agreement, services rapid and efficient while retaining the product its nature of free software. My model was RedHat and what I had read in the book of ES Raymond, “” The Cathedral and the Bazaar. ”

    Other accurate Dokeos Videoconferencing does not require paying Flash server, but the server streaming open source RED5 which is free. The solution is therefore 100% free and can rely solely on free diapers. So our servers are Debian running at 100% with free software. Ditto for the rapid learning with Oogie (conversion presentations being SCORM): conversion tool used is none other than himselfโ€ฆ OpenOffice running on the server. It can thus convert presentations current Microsoft web without using Microsoft products to do so. That is our little pleasure to linuxiens.

  7. hi
    I have a problem with dokeos . First I don’t know how can the other use my course. If you know please answer me as soon as possible.
    thank you

  8. > I don’t know how can the other use my course.

    When the user visit the homepage of your Dokeos website, he can register with one click on the link “Register”. After the registration, the user is automaticly redirect on the list of the courses. At the right of each course, a link Subscribe. After have click on subscribe, the user must go on the list of the courses (page My Courses).

    It’s all !

    You are welcome on this website, but you can find a best help on the official forum of Dokeos : http://www.dokeos.com/forum/

  9. Thanks to your comment!

    Sorry, but i don’t speak spanish… but if you want translate it in Spanish: you’re welcome! Please, contact me if you want collaborate with me to a spanish version of this blog ๐Ÿ™‚

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