27 May, 2007
2 categories
Last month I wrote about Frappr, a service that allows web visitors who are willing to to register themselves on a map.
Today here’s another one: Clustrmaps gives an overview of visitors’ geographical location without them being registered in the first place. I put the widget in the right sidebar and rather than talking about it, you just have to compare the two maps:
The maps are not thoroughly identical, yet if the illustrated blog appealed to visitors from a little more different countries then the difference between the two would eventually result unnoticeable 😀
Some more details about Clustrmaps
- the free service makes it possible to:
- insert a small map on one’s website (on the right, “They have come”)
- access to a bigger map by one click on the small map (public access to all and the map can be viewed on the Clustrmaps website)
- the professionnal service makes it possible to:
- insert a bigger map directly on one’s website (with a zoom)
- get a more complete restitution and tracking
- protect the access to the map (confidentiality)
Category: Community & Web2.0, English
I just have to say thanks for the Clustrmaps. Google Analytics was overkill for what we wanted, and this was perfect
Well done!