01 Informatique, the weekly magazine that focuses on IT industry news, has awarded a “Prize for 2008 talented entreprise” to Talend. Obviously!

The award highlights the technological excellence of start-ups that were created in the last 5 years and have successfully implemented their solution in a short time frame.

The French secretary of Research has handed the awards to the prize-winners – paying tribute to their business performances and emphasizing on the importance of innovative start-ups in the technological environment.

Prix de la jeune entreprise

Portrait of Talend Chief Executive Officer

Last Thursday, Neteco interviewed Bertrand Diard, Talend Chief Executive Officer. As part of the Salon Linux Solutions, the following video evokes the opening of Talend United States and the launch of the Open Solutions Alliance in 2007.

Neteco  traces the journey of Bertrand Dirad, the Chief Executive Officer of Talend.

Linux Solutions in Paris

Plein Ecran, a LCI web emission, takes us through the aisles of Linux Solutions and goes through the Talend stand.


Plein ecran: open source on LCI


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