Netecolo presents a different environmental daily action each time you open your browser… and a Google research bar besides. The purpose is to give ecology a center place on your screen: these ideas are getting more and more common as days pass and this is good for our planet. Will Netecolo become your default page?
For several years now there have been blogs and “planets” (portals that gather blogs’ contents) that allow particular communities or minorities to express themselves and have other readers being informed on their subjects.
Those tools are widely used by individuals, organizations and of course companies. Blogs are quite helpful in mobilization… and communication : visitors can be influenced by their contents. It all has to do with the popularity of blogs’ authors!
Certainly you know quite a lot about them. I’ll tell about one only: In partnership with Blogspirit they put a blogs’ planet at disposal of all people concerned by handicap situations. A good way for them to get public awareness on their issues.