Far from the deviances currently denounced about Second Life, here are some good initiatives I have noticed these last 3 months.
An article of the French newspaper “Le Monde” dated July 14th enlights the teaching use of Second Life. Trainings in languages are certainly most widespread. The virtual universe offers multiple supports for communication: messenger, white board, and VoIp could not be long in democratizing itself.
If I have no doubt about the relevance to use Second Life in elearning solutions, I wonder however whether the constraints of the companies regarding computer security really make it possible to benefit from these practices from the working station of an employee? The installation of Second Life in the ressources rooms seems to me a very good choice!
This virtual universe offers the opportunity to be able to put one’s knowledge into practice in very varied situations. To enter a shop and to ask for information, to take part in a conference, to postulate with an offer of employment, or quite simply to discuss with somebody. This possibility of simulating many situations could also end up by attracting life coaches!
The blog “veillepedagogique” (a blog provided by the newspaper “Le Monde”) quotes some links. Here is one:
BNP Paribas recruits on Second Life… the presentation page gives the tone:
RECRUITMENT #2 – NeoJobMeeting
Several actions of recruitment are organized on island TMPNEO by NeoJobMeeting. And if you do not know Second Life, NeoJobMeeting proposes you to be formed with the use of your avatar!
Instructions in 3 steps:
The blog of the French-speaking Library of Second Life makes it possible to discover the topicality of this place of exchange and culture. The characteristic of such a space is to seek the means to give access to resources created by the users themselves.
ARTESI – Regional Agency of the Technology of the Company of Information in France – recently published in the editions Pearson Editions France the official guide of Second Life.
The ARTESI also acquired an island on Second Life, MetaLab: “incubating intended to accommodate the experiments of public administration… it is a laboratory for new practices, in which all the actors of Paris Descartes (University) are invited to take part”.
source: http://blogs.univ-paris5.fr/tice/weblog/2725.html
One of the very good points of Second Life being its graphics, it seems eventually obvious that this virtual world gets its photographs:
I advise you to read the follwing post: http://www.guim.fr/…
The stard of it is the refusal by the IBM to grant an increase claimed at the time of the renewal of the collective agreement in Italy. This is the first strike that takes form in Second Life!