When participating to other blog posts, I often find myself to defend the concept 2.0. Here is what I think of the phenomenon that includes Web 2.0, E-business 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, E-learning 2.0, Education 2.0.

2.0 from the point of view of the technical expert

The first websites were only 5 to 10 page sites, simple and with no interactivity. Technology has given tools to meet greater interactivity. The Flash format and the FLEX development solution are worthwhile, Xml is everywhere, AJAX is getting much present, widgets and mashup are common concepts to technical people.

The word 2.0 is there to define websites that use the latest technology tools to offer richer web media, that is more ergonomic, friendly and faster too. Users therefore can handle websites in a more efficient manner: they benefit from the best of NTIC!

In the same time softwares are downloadable online with offered services. The name for this is SaaS: Software as a Service.

For a technician, the concept 2.0 is to be associated to specific technologies.

2.0 from the point of view of the user

The first websites were only written pieces of information usually to be met in companies’ traditional communication media. The aim was that of advertising and marketing mostly. Html often was the langage used for such static websites and sometimes you could come across images. Users would mainly check their email messages; in fact, there were few individuals implied.

Websites became more dynamic thanks to langages servers. Contents get richer and become true information sources. Thus for the user Internet is now something renewed with the first forums for instance. Then are the wikis, the RSS flux, the blogs. From a simple reader he has become an author and a content producer. There is new interactivity between users and websites’ authors. And between users themselves. Possibly many people link P2P to Web 2.0.

There is another change with the websurfer adapting interfaces to his needs. Choice of language, of colors, of characters and above all of selected information. That way he can really get implied into the world web… and into social networking.

Creating 2.0 services has definitely allowed to get 2.0 successful. Websites are then dedicated to users’ needs, that is the aim is to offer services rather than merely making profit. Creatives Commons licences officialized individuals’ content production and sharing.

For the user, Web 2.0 is a tool. It is an information tool that can be shared and can raise collaborative work. Undoubtedly many users get to the Web with the Web 2.0. Not before!

2.0 from the point of view of the sceptical people

Web 2.0 is a marketing word, a buzzword. In this respect Web 2.0 led to new commercial and marketing practices and/or abuses. Advertising is everywhere and sticks to users’ profiles. Written information is reused improperly, even avatars are created with propaganda purpose! More chocking is the fact that detailed information can be gathered to know more about your personnality and about your opinions!

This is much alarming indeed. Yet I don’t think the phenomenon 2.0 has anything to do with it, instead its use must be watched out!

E-business 2.0

Here is a website richcommerce.fr that gives updated news and trends about rich interfaces regarding E-business, it was launched by Fred Cavazza and François Ziserman. The most interesting idea about E-business I read is there: Vendre du textile à la 2.0 ! As one would expect it, E-business marketers know how to make money!

E-business 2.0 is a reality: users’ participation is even looked after.

Enterprise 2.0

Enterprises obviously were to join the party! With langages servers came intranets. Gathering and capitalization are important words to all companies and computing solutions have always been looked after. At the beginning information was pushed to employees but after a while new solutions were found to collect information. Web 2.0 has changed the way we use the Internet. Intranets take into account the capacity for employees to produce content. To get more information about it, here is an article I wrote: Entreprise 2.0. I stress on the fact that enterprises should consider the phenomenon 2.0.

Enterprise 2.0 is necessary. There is a true change in employees regarding the phenomenon 2.0.

E-learning 2.0

E-learning has been the first area to benefit from Web 2.0 technologies. Before this, e-learning platforms were only but static websites with no real success. Yet the concept E-learning 2.0 defines the place that is given to the user himself : he is in the heart of the learning solution and is no longer a spectator only. E-learning 2.0 also means cooperation, exchange and content production between one employee to another or to others. As a conclusion I see no difference between e-learning and e-learning 2.0, but I do understand when a user or a customer rather uses the latter expression!

E-learning 2.0 is no new, the fact that we say 2.0 is.

Education 2.0

Here is an interesting discussion about the concept Education 2.0 on the network Apprendre 2.0. It has to do with professionnal people willing to have the educational system evolve. To my opinion, the evolution that is needed has more to do with developing collaboration and exchange, with placing trainees in the heart of learning solutions, with transforming them into real actors rather than with using 2.0 technologies.

I am professionnally tempted to believe in Education 2.0 indeed. It may only be a transition phase… so what!

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