Here is my resume in few words:

Research and Development Engineer, in charge of Training solutions
Since June 2006
My job is to manage the training part regarding Talend softwares, whether knowledge is given by our company or by partners.
Learn more while visiting the pages Talend !

Technical Manager – Trainer
September 2002 – June 2006
I started as a trainer, mainly giving elearning courses, along with some webmastering skills. As clients’needs became more and more numerous, I happened to built up the data-processing system, dedicated to elearning context and rules.
That second role made me invest truly in the company organisation through team management and process definition.

October 2000 – September 2002
My first work in computing : that was the opportunity to discover the world of start-ups! Well just one thing: I developed my first Perl and Java jobs there 😉

Editing and Product Marketing Assistant
Products and Shop Assistant
June 1998 – July 2000
I take part in the products catalog; products that are sold througout France in Amnesty shops , by local groups and now on the web.
I take part in the Amnesty shop, the one located in Paris, and in the stock control.

Math Assistant
September 1996 – June 1998
This is my first job in teaching. I started by giving practical courses and soon turned to theory lectures.