When I turned my website into a blog – last March, I forgot a tag <div style=”display:none”> on the homepage. Inside this tag: the text welcomed visitors in 2006. When I lately opened Webmasters ToolGoogle, I got surprised : I am blacklisted by google

Your site does not meet the guidelines of quality google

The message (truncated in the screenshot below) indicates the case: div style display:none 🙁

Interested very early by programming software, It is in the idea of maximizing their use and participate in the creation of web interfaces and user-friendly software packages I have trained. Having won my Brevet de Technicien Superior Computing, I had the pleasure of being subjected to a training center. So I was a developer and trainer elearning office equipment and computer languages.

Part of the offending code 🙁

<div style="display:none">Intéressé très tôt par la programmation de logiciels,

c'est dans l'idée d'optimiser leur utilisation et de participer à la création d'interfaces web et de logiciels conviviaux

que j'ai suivi une formation informatique. Après avoir décroché mon Brevet de Technicien Supérieur en Informatique,

j'ai eu le plaisir d'être sollicité par un centre de formation.

J'ai donc été développeur et formateur elearning en bureautique et en langages informatiques.</div>


I have thencorrected the offending code and asked for Google-boots to have their inspection done. Have to wait … I hope not to be forced to change its name of domain!


We will consider your request ... In a few weeks!

Hard, right?

I do not find any mention of this in Google Analytics, although I noticed the decline of the traffic of my blog.

2 days after having expressed my complaint to Google … the blog has reappeared in the SERP-Search Engine Results Page. Google is very reactive! The pages of my blog are still in the google cache and my pagerank has not moved: phew!

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