On December 3rd and 4th, a conference about “Enterprise 2.0” is taking place in Paris. As it might be expected, it will be dedicated to the uses of new web technologies inside companies. Even more original: the conference is held thanks to 2.0 services!

A blog has been published to encourage the public to make suggestions. The idea is quite good but the public is not yet familiar: so far, there is no comment: 🙁
Around the event:
From November 5th to December 10th, guided tours are held on Second Life. The next scheduled meeting will take place onTuesday, November 27th at 21:00.
After the event:
People will be invited to test an excellent tool for participatory web: feedback 2.0! The objective is to keep on exchanging and to enable stakeholders to remain in contact with the participants.
source : http://conferences.strategies.fr

A word on feedback 2.0 :
This service, open to all, is there to establish dialogues with customers, users or participants. The goal is to gather their opinions and to take their suggestions into account. feedback 2.0 will consider users’ points of view before, during and after the broadcasting of a new product or service.