E-meeting solutions to reduce kilometers
Virtual classes allow to organize e-meetings and make technology easier. Save time and money that is! Below is some advice for you to benefit from the best solutions.
The online training, learning or présentielle (traditional) difféfferentes methods to share its expertise and knowledge. My vision of this trade and the need to change! Training, elearning, to learn, trainer.
Virtual classes allow to organize e-meetings and make technology easier. Save time and money that is! Below is some advice for you to benefit from the best solutions.
Contribute, exchange, participate... One Laptop per child: the end of educational innovation? Nomadism Digital, mobile learning, TNI, TBI ... Supercoolschool (virtual classroom in Facebook) !
This slideshow shows the gap between the use of the Web 2.0 at home and at work. How to benefit from 2.0 (rss, bookmarking, networking, wiki, blog, forum, messenger, video conference) in a professional context?
Experience real-time, face-to-face communication and collaboration with colleagues, prospects, and partners, even if they're in opposite hemispheres. Despite their relatively low cost, traditional video systems remain unused because they are not reliable, offer low quality,
After numerous discussions about the elearning: the mobility! Dokeos, an open source LMS. The mobile learning in question and the web2.0 for the enterprise
New release of Talend Open Studio. Reinforcement of Web Services architecture ; new connectors: Microsoft Dynamics, Mondrian, Palo, Weka, Vertica, iReports ; Slowly Changing Dimensions ; OnComponentError OnSubjobError ; Enhancements to the Trace Mode
The concept of Web 2.0 began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform,
L'étude du marché du libre ne se base pas sur les mêmes indicateurs que pour les logiciels propriétaires. Dans le domaine de l'open source 2 indicateurs sont pris en considération pour définir le taux de
Favories: elearning, foad, open source development, discuss with professionals on the web and training ; discover blogs and publications players in these markets...
Web 2.0 are tools that are real new opportunities for elearning trainers.
Coming from the world of education or training, members of Apprendre 2.0 are starting a collaborative process...
The gap between users front the NTIC. Many have never heard of rss, blog, ajax ...
A video to define the Web2.0: evolution of HTML tags to XML tags, the separation of content and form
Optimization budget, Administrative Delegate, Respect for the law on professionnal training, web portal to better manage its budget ...
Free virtual class! Hotline, elearning, coaching, webinar or emeeting: this services may be free solution or professional offer. One is open source ... one is to tackle digital exclusion ...
Many programs allow you to distribute presentations remotely, like Calexia. Some are brought to disappear ... How to choose a solution pereine? Open source is a solution?
Social Bookmarking by CommonCraft. This video tutorial is much original, an idea one can follow...
With elearning, the teacher seek a solution to synchronize a video and a powerpoint ... zentation is a good solution (free use or profesionnal services)
Dokeos: Learning Management System Open Source. The layer author and functionality integrated virtual classroom make this service
http://vyew.com is a free synchronous collaboration. Once you registered, you can get access to a personal space where you can manage appointments. Except for the Flash plugin, there is no technical installation required. The platform
In France, every company and every employee pay taxes from which a part is a dedicated to legal professionnal training. This tax is redistributed to finance part of the employee training. The Talend Open Studio
LAMP is an acronym often associated to the Web applications… because it makes it possible to publish contents on the web while using free tools. But what does LAMP mean? Linux: operating system (more precisely
It is several weeks since the Talend Open Studio’s training integrated the innovations of the v2 – out since April 23. The training documents are up to date, our partners’ training centers are integrating it
When you work on a open source provider and when you organize the training service... The evolution of the product is fast, the community are present and the training documentation is a collaborative...