Archived version of
I wrote on this blog from 2007 to 2010, and it remained open for comments until 2015. After several years of gracious service, Free decided to block my blog 🙁 So, I set up a
Community tools and collaboratives tools: share your experiences and reflexions
I wrote on this blog from 2007 to 2010, and it remained open for comments until 2015. After several years of gracious service, Free decided to block my blog 🙁 So, I set up a
the easiest way to rapidly create and share tutorials, demos, training, lectures and more. ScreenToaster is a free web-based screen recorder designed to capture screen activity in real-time then embed videos in blogs and websites.
The web 2.0 transforms us, methods change, the collaborative work and social networks ... Yet more than three years after the law on "equal opportunities", implementing decree on online accessibility is still not published!
News in March 2008. Solutions free to mount its own social network, the Web 2.0; free access to the net, nofollow tag in question, writing Web, the new open office, and many more!
A funny story about Entreprise 2.0. The Enterprise Forum 2008. Who Owns What? 3 interresting posts.
The company is concerned with the integration of tools 2.0 within its enterprise. It is time for some employees to take the front and already use external services to communicate or ...
Second Life : Training, Elearning, Recruitement, library, documentation, photo & claim !
Launched on September 2005, Netvibes is a free service. It’s an application similar to a portal : you can aggregate several information sources. Do you happen to visit the same sites on and on in
Fredcavazza spoke of the Enterprise 2.0, analysis of the phenomenon, synthesis comments. ICT tools but formidable grasp of policy makers? Anyway, we need to get start before being caught short;)
Wengo is a phone operator via Internet, a service that uses VoIP. Based on an open source software and/or a “box”, the operator offers an unlimited phone solution at a very small price: 7€ a
Wengo Desk is a community gathering experts from various areas. Whether you are looking for advice on computing or food, Wengo Desk will help you to get in touch with a related advisor willing to
WengoMeeting makes it available to access to videoconference for free. It is a simple graphical interface that anyone can handle. What technology is behind? The Flash pluggin that is compatible with PC, Mac or Linux,
Innovating, user friendly, free and useful, the following services are dedicated to the community and collaboration! They are based on softwares developed by the Neuf Cegetel company and several sticks are open source. I’ll write
Last month I wrote about Frappr, a service that allows web visitors who are willing to to register themselves on a map. Today here’s another one: Clustrmaps gives an overview of visitors’ geographical location without
Since the beginning of the Web some people have pointed out the lack of personal relations of the Web interfaces and have tried to humanize such relations between its users and the service that hides
The previous post talked about the insertion of the meeting places for your community within Google Maps. Let’s see now how to emphasize the geographical location of a members’ community. puts at your disposal for free a service making
One of my brothers, Jérôme, has recently indicated to me how to be displayed by Google Maps. Google Maps services (streets maps, routes…) happen to be more and more used. Thus, if you mention your
This post does not talk about NTIC precisely but instead tells you about a new kind of commercial service you can find on a website. It all begun when the National Federation of German Doctors decided
Netecolo presents a different environmental daily action each time you open your browser… and a Google research bar besides. The purpose is to give ecology a center place on your screen: these ideas are getting more
Second Life is the brand new virtual game attracting more and more people, it is said. If you don’t know SL yet, try it with this guide ! Whether anonymous or not, SL players talk
Benefiting from the support of Google in order to develop ludic applications is not common! Here are two news I read on The Darfur viewed by Google Earth Said to be the first genocide
The previous post talked about serious games in the non lucrative area. Indeed they appeal to me for their educational prospects… others tend to be interested in other goals: the game of Chiquita Belgium
Video games or even role plays, serious games belong to the category of educational and social games. They are often used to get public awareness regarding social issues, that is why they are called Serious.
How NTIC will influence the way public awareness campaigns or practices mobilize communities? Who benefits from them first of all? Which good ideas to be inspired by to gather a community or be an activist