Archived version of
I wrote on this blog from 2007 to 2010, and it remained open for comments until 2015. After several years of gracious service, Free decided to block my blog 🙁 So, I set up a
English Pages and Posts
I wrote on this blog from 2007 to 2010, and it remained open for comments until 2015. After several years of gracious service, Free decided to block my blog 🙁 So, I set up a
Dedicated to Talend Open Studio users, these tutorials provide the skills you'll need to take full advantage of the tool. The 2 latest exercises reagrding the monitoring and how to catch information from your job.
YouTube héberge plusieurs vidéos sur Talend et notamment la démo 5'. Il est donc devenu possible de l'embarquer pour l'afficher sur votre propre site web ou votre intranet ! Vous pouvez aussi la visualiser sur
It is happening again. After last year's impressive number of submissions from all over the world and its winners, Talend announces the Second Talend Awards!Become a Talend Ambassador, Win the latest iPod Touch, Get recognition.
the easiest way to rapidly create and share tutorials, demos, training, lectures and more. ScreenToaster is a free web-based screen recorder designed to capture screen activity in real-time then embed videos in blogs and websites.
The Talend certification exam ensures whether or not Data Integration professionals have the necessary skills to successfully implement business solutions using Talend Technology. Talend certified professionals are more efficient and productive in the workplace. A
discover the latest version of Talend Open Studio, the leading open source data integration tool with over 500,000 downloads. Version 3.0 of Talend Open Studio includes native connectors for SAP, a new set of connectors
This one-hour Webinar will present: - The role and importance of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) for a BI project - The specific constraints of ETL for BI: high data volumes, multiple and heterogeneous data sources,
Virtual classes allow to organize e-meetings and make technology easier. Save time and money that is! Below is some advice for you to benefit from the best solutions.
Talend Open Studio V3. To turn theory into practice, import the TalendDemoProject. In the view Run Job, 2 features are available: Traces and Statistics. Changelog, new features, demo and tutorials. All the material to update
Following the numerous requests received, the Talend Discovery Roadshow will make a stop in Brussels on the 25th of November 2008. We will make there workshops in French and in English. Next year, we’ll be
Since the early days of the company, Talend has evolved quite a lot! Talend’s products, starting with Talend Open Studio is used at a worldwide scale. Thanks to our growing community the product line is
I have recently been appointed Customer Care Manager at Talend. My role is to ensure that the services from Talend (training, consulting, technical support) are on par with the customers expectations. Please do not hesitate
Matt is a 31-year-old deadbeat quit his job in Brisbane, Australia and used the money he'd saved to wander around Asia until it ran out. He made this video
A software of "public domain" is a free software?, a free webmail and a logo!
The web 2.0 transforms us, methods change, the collaborative work and social networks ... Yet more than three years after the law on "equal opportunities", implementing decree on online accessibility is still not published!
Contribute, exchange, participate... One Laptop per child: the end of educational innovation? Nomadism Digital, mobile learning, TNI, TBI ... Supercoolschool (virtual classroom in Facebook) !
Talented and fearless? Want to challenge yourself? Join a growing team of professionals and get an exceptional experience in data management. Near of the R&D group, our Consultant team will be responsible for developing, integrating
News in March 2008. Solutions free to mount its own social network, the Web 2.0; free access to the net, nofollow tag in question, writing Web, the new open office, and many more!
Technical writer: You have 2-3 years experience as an English technical writer in the software field? Job description: Write, update user guide. Direct contact with developers. Talend User Guide and OEM documentation
News in March 2008 on the open source and Talend. Became a leader in the open source data integration, Talend is often quoted in the press. Here is a selection of articles
This slideshow shows the gap between the use of the Web 2.0 at home and at work. How to benefit from 2.0 (rss, bookmarking, networking, wiki, blog, forum, messenger, video conference) in a professional context?
The documentation is divided in two parts: the user guide and the components guide. Read the first and consult the second one when needed. The Help view (F1) in Talend Open Studio displays the components
Olivier say: last year, I did an internship with a service provider company where I had to analyse different Open Source Business Intelligence tools including Talend Open Studio. Since this internship took place, I've used
piwik is an open source (GPL license) web analytics software. It gives interesting reports on your website visitors, your popular pages, the search engines keywords they used, the language they speak… and so much more.
Experience real-time, face-to-face communication and collaboration with colleagues, prospects, and partners, even if they're in opposite hemispheres. Despite their relatively low cost, traditional video systems remain unused because they are not reliable, offer low quality,
The functionality of the IPhone will they change our purposes? Mobility will it benefit? Marco just got an iPhone and it can do magic things. Secret Fun iPhone applications discovered? Marco recorded this at the
A funny story about Entreprise 2.0. The Enterprise Forum 2008. Who Owns What? 3 interresting posts.
Interesting quote from Julien Codorniou at Microsoft: “The fact is that we really don’t care about Talend’s business model. Talend Integration Suite: what a success by Eurofins. Data Integration Suite is very expensive. Business Object:
After numerous discussions about the elearning: the mobility! Dokeos, an open source LMS. The mobile learning in question and the web2.0 for the enterprise
New release of Talend Open Studio. Reinforcement of Web Services architecture ; new connectors: Microsoft Dynamics, Mondrian, Palo, Weka, Vertica, iReports ; Slowly Changing Dimensions ; OnComponentError OnSubjobError ; Enhancements to the Trace Mode
Talend Community lauch a Community Store to promote Talend's logo! Tee shirt, cups, caps... all the benefits will be dedicated to open source solutions
February 2008: 01 Informatique awards "prix de la jeune entreprise 2008" to ours solutions. Neteco publish the Portrait of our Chief Executive Officer. Plein écran, an emission on LCI show the Talend stand.
Gartner Analyst, Magic Quadrant 2008. Open source software is increasingly sharing the spotlight with traditional solutions across a great number of markets. Indeed in many areas open source has taken center stage...
The concept of Web 2.0 began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform,
L'étude du marché du libre ne se base pas sur les mêmes indicateurs que pour les logiciels propriétaires. Dans le domaine de l'open source 2 indicateurs sont pris en considération pour définir le taux de
extract of my favorites blogs: Compte Rendu du Webdeux.Connect !; Contre le concept d'éducation 2.0; Web 2.O et éducation 2.0 : vers un mariage de raison; La conduite du changement; Elearning! magazine : l'actualité du
The Talend Awards will reward interesting and high performance projects developed by Talend users. All users of Talend´s products are invited to nominate their projects before January 31.
Favories: elearning, foad, open source development, discuss with professionals on the web and training ; discover blogs and publications players in these markets...
Web 2.0 are tools that are real new opportunities for elearning trainers.
Buz and Marketing. The curiosity is often the basis of the attraction and virality! Idetrorce leaves the same comment on all the blog...
Coming from the world of education or training, members of Apprendre 2.0 are starting a collaborative process...
The gap between users front the NTIC. Many have never heard of rss, blog, ajax ...
Hide keyword on your web page isn't a good practice. Google don't display this blog following the use of div style="display:none". I'm on the blacklist :(
The company is concerned with the integration of tools 2.0 within its enterprise. It is time for some employees to take the front and already use external services to communicate or ...
A video to define the Web2.0: evolution of HTML tags to XML tags, the separation of content and form
Optimization budget, Administrative Delegate, Respect for the law on professionnal training, web portal to better manage its budget ...
Training: Talend update the first level course: is now a three-day session! Table of Content: Business Modeler, Job Designer, Deploiement etc
Free virtual class! Hotline, elearning, coaching, webinar or emeeting: this services may be free solution or professional offer. One is open source ... one is to tackle digital exclusion ...
"In our view, Talend is the most enterprise oriented of the open source data integration vendors." Philip Howard, Bloor Research
The various contracts Creative Commons. The blogosphere has triggered the proliferation of licenses for the aggregation and copy of posts a blog to another. Protecting paternity, the amendment prohibit, restrict commercial uses ...
How to promote a RSS feed or your blog? Use the Headline Animator feature of feedburner! Create your own banner and a powerful email signature.
Many programs allow you to distribute presentations remotely, like Calexia. Some are brought to disappear ... How to choose a solution pereine? Open source is a solution?
Social Bookmarking by CommonCraft. This video tutorial is much original, an idea one can follow...
With elearning, the teacher seek a solution to synchronize a video and a powerpoint ... zentation is a good solution (free use or profesionnal services)
Second Life : Training, Elearning, Recruitement, library, documentation, photo & claim !
The training service of Talend leaves me little time to devote to the evolution of the web site and the internal developments. However, the more the Talend offer is developping and the more I am
Launched on September 2005, Netvibes is a free service. It’s an application similar to a portal : you can aggregate several information sources. Do you happen to visit the same sites on and on in
A video definition of the Web 2.0. Funny, it speak about the big differences between Web 2.0 and the old school. Spiral publicly publish somes courses ...
Fredcavazza spoke of the Enterprise 2.0, analysis of the phenomenon, synthesis comments. ICT tools but formidable grasp of policy makers? Anyway, we need to get start before being caught short;)
Talend Open Studio is distributed for free under GPL2 License by the company Talend. It enables to generate Perl or Java scripts dedicated to the data integration. Talend Integration Suite is the first Open Source
Who uses Talend solutions? Know the reference of the open source editor french home on the site. Random logos parade: Cap Gemini Group Agreement, SwissLife, accenture, Nasdaq...
Another open source software. Draw up a site to visit offline. Archive on its hard disc ...
The top place on the Web to create and sign free public petitions on most any responsible topic.
Talend On Demand consolidates Talend Open Studio metadata and project information in an online, shared repository hosted by Talend. It allows project teams of any size to consolidate data integration work in a centralized and
A text editor open source. Functionality also pushed on the owners editors
New location, new space. Talend expand these teams. Our partners ...
Dokeos: Learning Management System Open Source. The layer author and functionality integrated virtual classroom make this service is a free synchronous collaboration. Once you registered, you can get access to a personal space where you can manage appointments. Except for the Flash plugin, there is no technical installation required. The platform
Wengo is a phone operator via Internet, a service that uses VoIP. Based on an open source software and/or a “box”, the operator offers an unlimited phone solution at a very small price: 7€ a
Wengo Desk is a community gathering experts from various areas. Whether you are looking for advice on computing or food, Wengo Desk will help you to get in touch with a related advisor willing to
WengoMeeting makes it available to access to videoconference for free. It is a simple graphical interface that anyone can handle. What technology is behind? The Flash pluggin that is compatible with PC, Mac or Linux,
Innovating, user friendly, free and useful, the following services are dedicated to the community and collaboration! They are based on softwares developed by the Neuf Cegetel company and several sticks are open source. I’ll write
In France, every company and every employee pay taxes from which a part is a dedicated to legal professionnal training. This tax is redistributed to finance part of the employee training. The Talend Open Studio
A small restaurant in Toulouse, South of France There is a poster that is drawing my attention… the colors are bright on a black background… it is written that it is no imperialistic… what about
We all have experienced the big file you just can’t send from your email address because it is too big! Lately I tried to myself, I then discovered and used one of the free services
Last month I wrote about Frappr, a service that allows web visitors who are willing to to register themselves on a map. Today here’s another one: Clustrmaps gives an overview of visitors’ geographical location without
Today, the Annual Report of Amnesty International is out ! You can read several extracts on Wish to go on holidays in a foreign country for summer? First visit the related pages in the
Since the beginning of the Web some people have pointed out the lack of personal relations of the Web interfaces and have tried to humanize such relations between its users and the service that hides
LAMP is an acronym often associated to the Web applications… because it makes it possible to publish contents on the web while using free tools. But what does LAMP mean? Linux: operating system (more precisely
It is several weeks since Talend organized its press tour in US… at the same time as Talend Open Studio v2 went out. The feddback is good … Talend is now in the “Month of
It is several weeks since the Talend Open Studio’s training integrated the innovations of the v2 – out since April 23. The training documents are up to date, our partners’ training centers are integrating it
The previous post talked about the insertion of the meeting places for your community within Google Maps. Let’s see now how to emphasize the geographical location of a members’ community. puts at your disposal for free a service making
One of my brothers, Jérôme, has recently indicated to me how to be displayed by Google Maps. Google Maps services (streets maps, routes…) happen to be more and more used. Thus, if you mention your
This post does not talk about NTIC precisely but instead tells you about a new kind of commercial service you can find on a website. It all begun when the National Federation of German Doctors decided
Netecolo presents a different environmental daily action each time you open your browser… and a Google research bar besides. The purpose is to give ecology a center place on your screen: these ideas are getting more
Second Life is the brand new virtual game attracting more and more people, it is said. If you don’t know SL yet, try it with this guide ! Whether anonymous or not, SL players talk
Benefiting from the support of Google in order to develop ludic applications is not common! Here are two news I read on The Darfur viewed by Google Earth Said to be the first genocide
The previous post talked about serious games in the non lucrative area. Indeed they appeal to me for their educational prospects… others tend to be interested in other goals: the game of Chiquita Belgium
Video games or even role plays, serious games belong to the category of educational and social games. They are often used to get public awareness regarding social issues, that is why they are called Serious.
How NTIC will influence the way public awareness campaigns or practices mobilize communities? Who benefits from them first of all? Which good ideas to be inspired by to gather a community or be an activist
Please help us know where you need training by answering this quick survey. Tell us where you would like to see public training classes: Choose one region... Want to become more proficient with Talend Open
How to celebrate the new version of Talend product? A new design of the website! New header, a sidebar, this look is...
This release includes great new features: Java generation, ELT components, tFor, tSleep, tZip, tFileFetch, tFileCompare. Talend Open Studio: the most widely used open source data integration solution!
When you work on a open source provider and when you organize the training service... The evolution of the product is fast, the community are present and the training documentation is a collaborative...
So thank you Yasmina for translating every single page and having the English part of the weblog been read! "That won't be a word to word translation, as I don't feel like going back to