Since the start of 2010, you can found frequently new video on TalendChannel and new tutorials on TalendForge.
The channel is hosted on YouTube and several videos have been already broadcasted. The creation of the Talend Channel allows Talend to broadcast interesting contents, increasing the visibility of the company through a new type of information support 🙂
The channel is going to be enriched with new interviews. To date, interviews of several of our partners and of Talend executives are available. You can also view a tutorial about the installation of Talend MDM.
Some of the tutorial published in TalendForge are extracted from the official contents of training and give you an overview about the practical exercises.
2 exercise are extract of the Talend Open Studio Foundation Course. With this 2 tutorial, you will learn how to catch statistics and warning from your job and how to store monitoring information.
2010-01-11 – Talend On Demand – Quick Start
Talend On Demand is the industry’s first data integration Software as a Service (SaaS).
It consolidates Talend Open Studio metadata and project information in an online, shared repository hosted by Talend, and allows project teams of any size to consolidate data integration work in a centralized and shared repository, facilitating collaboration, object and code reuse, and promoting development best practices.
2010-02-08 –Â How to use a MultiSchema component
This tutorial explains how to use the Multi Schema Editor. In the tutorial, you will create a job reading complex multi-structured data via a tFileInputMSDelimited component.
Set up the tFileInputMSDelimited component to open a complex multi-structured file, to read its data structures (schemas) and to use Row links to send fields as defined in the different schemas to the next job components.
In this tutorial, the multi schema delimited file is read row by row and the extracted fields are displayed on the Run Job console as defined in the Multi Schema Editor.
2010-02-22 – Learn how to catch information about your jobs’ executions
With this tutorial, you will learn:
- how to catch errors messages with the Trigger / On Component Error link
- how to use the tDie and tLogCatcher components to collect error messages
2010-03-08 – Learn how to create tables to store the monitoring information.
In this tutorial, you will create a new MySQL database for the monitoring data.
The tLogCatcher, tStatCatcher, tFlowMeterCatcher need a table each to store the data.
In this exercise, you will use the tCreateTable component to create the needed table.
For more tutorial, visit the Tutorial Section of TalendForge !