To define the public interest in different softwares, most studies are based on the financial result of their respective providers. The costs for installation, training, expertise and technical support are added to that of the licenses.

In the Open Source market, the licences aren’t linked to a cost. The autonomy of users and the existence of related communities even make it possible to have no contact with the editor 😮

Last years users of open source solutions were to be met in training more often. The training activity is becoming one of the most representative indicators for the adoption of open source technology. L’observatoire du logiciel libre – Observatory of Free Software – bases its analysis on developments in the training market and published a few days ago the “Baromètre des tendances 2007-2008 du logiciel libre“, that is the barometer for 2007-2008.

I was pleased to read that the Business Intelligence is the most dynamic segment with a growth of over 386%. The software Talend Open Studio is quoted many times and appears at the top of trends for 2007 and 2008!

Download it!Here are 2 extracts:

Among the leaders in the field, JasperSoft (BI) and Talend (ETL) focus on the segment of the decision-making “operational”.

This tool integration is the undisputed star of the year 2007 (…) The number of training sessions should at least double next year because Open Studio meets two needs: integrating applications between them, and preparing BI data projects.The complete study can be freely downloaded at: http://www.ob2l.com. It is a Creative Commons publication.
About the Observatoire des logiciels libres

The barometer was created by Anaska and ib-Groupe Cegos in 2005. Its goal is to make a point every 6 months of the market of open source software based on the training market. All the indicators that appear in the survey are based on a comparison with a volume of activity between 2006 and 2007 and are based on a panel of about 2000 trained people.

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