Callexia is a software that allows to publish real-time powerpoint presentations at distance. That is once again to synchronize your screen and that of one or more participants. The presentation at distance often requires a phone call or even an audioconference organization. Useful in the case of prospection, support or project management.

Here is what Epistema – the company – announces on its blog :

Epistema: http://www.epistema.com/blog/fr/2007/08/07/toilettage-de-la-rentree-13/Epistema has decided to concentrate its strategy on e-learning solutions, so our product is no longer on sale. It is obvious that current Callexia customers will benefit from free support for the software until 2009.
This is to stress on the fact that the choice for a software or a service implies an important criteria : how long will it be available as it is?

Mature open source solutions do respond to that criteria. For instance Talend Open Studio available since last year.

  • the source codes are hosted on different websites, which assures their present and future availability – sourceforge, freshmeat
  • parterns that integrate Talend Open Studio in their software suites (JasperETL) also assure that the source code is saved and largely published and that the software is intended to evolve
  • the developers and users community at last is another assurance for it (click here for more details)

In the case of Callexia, I have heard of no other open source choice šŸ™ except maybe for the two following free services speechi and view.com.

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