Launched on September 2005, Netvibes is a free service. It’s an application similar to a portal : you can aggregate several information sources.

Do you happen to visit the same sites on and on in order to stay tuned ? To facilitate their consultation, Netvibes makes it possible to join together flows RSS of those sites on one page only. That page is your personal dedicated portal! A customizable and  secured service (login/password) to keep your centers of interest private 😉

Thanks to Jérôme. He was the first person to talk to me about Netvibes.

An innovation: the netvibes universes

A Netvibes universe is like a dedicated Netvibes page, except that all users will be able to get access to its reading. The first universe I have visited is one initiative from a training center: Emob. The Emob universe displays the news of the website Emob.fr and their information sources. The surfer interested by training, elearning and the web 2.0, will thus find a particular interest to consult it regularly! Of course, the page is a good promotion for the corporate Emob.

The Netvibes modules allow to use HTML code. It is possible to present a video or a contact form. To clearly understand the interest of this service in order to promote your ideas, please visit: http://www.netvibes.com/emob.

L'Univers Netvibes d'Emob

The secured service is currently reserved to some privileged people, but it will soon be possible to create one’s own universe for all. On the list of the existing universes, you can check the category “Non-profit”.

Note: Thot, an association that promotes the Elearning solutions, prefers to use Pageflakes. It is a similar service that makes it possible to create your personal page and/or to publish your universe. On PageFlakes, you don’t have advanced modules but a simple RSS feed. And now visit the Thot universe Pageflakes.

One Reply to “How to promote your ideas with the help of Netvibes

  1. Netvibes, a developer of customizable start pages, plans to make its widget platform, application programming interfaces, and iPhone version open source, according to CEO Tariq Krim.

    “We want to compete with Google widgets,” Krim said. “Our container supports Google widgets and every other platform. If we release our code, people will leverage it and grow the reach of our platform.”

    Source: http://www.webware.com

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