A small restaurant in Toulouse, South of France 

There is a poster that is drawing my attention… the colors are bright on a black background… it is written that it is no imperialistic… what about those bubbles! It can’t be seen in the image below but myself I can read the following ad:
the first fair cola“. I’ll call the waiter, I’ll get one.

Ca ressemble, ça à le goût mais c'est pas une boisson impérialiste !

This a true threat to the Coca-Cola company. Beuk is a soda that tastes like a coca cola drink… at least it does taste like the cola bottle sweets!  Pity you just can’t buy in France stevia, I’d put some in  my drinks for it’s  an astonishing sweetening plant. It is said to be one of the Coca-Cola’s ingredients.

Beuk and Coca-Cola are really alike, perhaps the former is a little less sparkling. Indeed there is a slight difference between the two … no need to talk about it: just have  a drink.

Beuk is made of cane sugar. Two companies are involved in its production:

  • The ethical cooperative company Copecañera in Costa Rica for the sugar part.
  • The cooperative company  Kan Ar Bed has the drink  bottled by a Briton soft drinks manufacturer. Briton? Yes indeed Briton. “Kan Ar Bed” means “World Chant” … and Beuk is the Briton word for burp 😀

I really think this kind of initiative is one to be known. More and more I hear about illegal practices by the Coca-Cola company. This drink with ethical cola is worthwhile: try it and make it try! 

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