The previous post talked about the insertion of the meeting places for your community within Google Maps. Let’s see now how to emphasize the geographical location of a members’ community.

Répartition géographique d'une communauté

http://www.frappr.com puts at your disposal for free a service making it possible to answer the request judiciously!

The idea is to insert on its site a world chart where the members’ community will register by defining their position on this chart and, for those who are willing to, by joining their picture. The chart symbolises through points the positions of the various registered voters and an animation introduces every registered person one by one.

Simple and effective, the service is set up in 3 stages:

Once you are registered, you’ll be able to customize the chart, choose between a road map or satellite map, change fonts… you’ll also be able to check statistics and visualize for instance where your website’s visitors are geographically located, whether they are registered or not.

who visits this site?

Other uses can prove interesting but you must note the constraint of such a service: any visitor can register himself. It may not be judicious to use the service to introduce the members of one’s company… any Net surfer could indeed fit in the chart. On the other hand, it is interesting indeed to illustrate the geographical location of a software’s users or that of a website’s visitors.

Now you only have to subscribe on the map located here “Who visits this site” 😉

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